Network IQ Alliance is a community of entrepreneurial universities from Spain, Poland, Latvia, Ireland and the UK, an innovative small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), a network of research institutes, an industry network, and a global network of science and technology parks in 77 countries.

The project’s consortium is committed to mainstream network intelligence (nIQ) – a system-change methodology developing digital competencies at the ecosystem level for innovation and networking. The goal is to empower purpose-driven entrepreneurial people to amplify growth opportunities from the networks they build to innovate better, faster and have long-term resilience.

Network IQ Alliance’s 2030 vision, via nIQ, is to create systemic impact in higher education at the institutional level by integrating innovation and entrepreneurship into the core strategies of higher education institutions (HEIs), building leadership capacity to execute them and connecting them better with their city-level ecosystems and globally.